
β€œThe heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” -Psalm 19:1


This is the most important page on our website. More important than any hunting trip we service or any animal that we harvest is our belief in Jesus Christ. The beauty of the M5 Ranch is evident throughout but this is not something that we can ultimately take credit for. The beauty present on the M5 as well as throughout the rest of the Hill Country is simply a testament to the glory of the Creator of the Universe. The ranch land that is owned and managed by Mattern Ranches is in reality not ours. We believe that we have simply been given the task of responsibly stewarding this land that belongs to God. Our hope is not found in the success of our operations or in the name that we can create for ourselves. We find our hope in the atoning sacrifice that Jesus made when he died on the cross and rose from the grave to restore us into a relationship with our Creator. It is our mission to point others to this truth in the way we live and conduct ourselves as individuals and as the Mattern Ranches operation.